
Alte Leimsiederei Herrnhut (Old glue factory Herrnhut)
Oderwitzer- Str. 17
02747 Herrnhut
+49 1512 5732110
Mr. Maik Hennig
57 062 974 810
Place of jurisdiction:
Zittau Saxony
Page content: :
Ms Martina Hennig
Photos used:
Stefan Elßner plus own
Liability notice:
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked pages are exclusively responsible for the contents.
Brand names:
Brand names mentioned on our website are the exclusive property of their owners. We do not lay any claim to these brand names. The absence of any mention of the name of their owner on this site should not be construed as appropriation on our part. This website and the information contained therein (in particular images, drawings, etc.) are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Any use, even in part, without the express written granting of the rights of use is prohibited and will be prosecuted.
Warning letters:
No warning without prior contact! Should the content or presentation of these pages violate the rights of third parties or legal provisions, we request that you notify us accordingly without incurring any costs. We guarantee that the rightly objected passages will be removed immediately without the need for legal assistance on your part. Nevertheless, we will fully reject any costs incurred by you without prior contact and, if necessary, file a counterclaim for violation of the aforementioned provisions.